Radon is a naturally occurring gas released into the atmosphere from uranium in the soil. It can also be found in water, particularly when drawn from wells. Radon can be detected just about anywhere and poses no known danger in small concentrations. However, prolonged exposure to higher concentrations is linked to cancer. It's important to identify whether the quality of the air in your home poses such a threat.

If elevated levels of radon are detected, there are several effective abatement options available from various qualified companies.

Safeguard Home Inspection will perform a test using a continuous monitoring device that will be on site for a minimum of 52 hours to obtain an accurate level of exposure.

The radon report is emailed as soon as the testing device is picked up. The report will include easy-to-understand analysis and recommendations.

We strongly suggest you consider this important service.


*Discounted price of $100 will apply to any radon test that is performed at time of home inspection.


Safeguard Home Inspection, Inc.
(770) 992-5575